
Gene_Id Category Name
7432Functionhormone activity
7432Functionneuropeptide hormone activity
7432Functionprotein binding
7432ProcessG-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway
7432Processbody fluid secretion
7432Processlearning or memory
7432ProcessmRNA stabilization
7432Processnegative regulation of apoptotic process
7432Processnegative regulation of potassium ion transport
7432Processnegative regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation
7432Processpositive regulation of adenylate cyclase activity involved in G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway
7432Processpositive regulation of cell proliferation
7432Processpositive regulation of endothelial cell proliferation
7432Processpositive regulation of penile erection
7432Processpositive regulation of protein catabolic process
7432Processpositive regulation of vasodilation
7432Processprolactin secretion
7432Processregulation of protein localization
7432Processregulation of sensory perception of pain
7432Componentextracellular region
7432Componentneuronal cell body